Program for Leading Graduate Schools
This program was started in 2012 in order to develop talented students into future leaders globally active across wide range of sectors in industry, academia and government, with a broad perspective and creativity.
Graduate school of Engineering joins the programs listed below.
Inter-Graduate School Program for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies
Departments getting involved in this program (from 2012):
Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Urban Management, Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Science
Collaborative Graduate Program in Design
Departments getting involved in this program (from 2013):
Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Science, Micro Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics
The members are to be the students of Postgraduate Integrated Course Program of Design Studies (Interdisciplinary Engineering Course, either of 5-year, 4-year, or 3-year Courses).
Training Program of Leaders for Integrated Medical System for Fruitful Healthy-Longevity Society ("Composite" category)
Departments getting involved in this program (from 2013):
Mechanical Engineering and Science, Micro Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Material Chemistry, Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Molecular Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Chemical Engineering (Department of Nuclear Engineering took part in this program from 2015) .
The members are selected from the students of Postgraduate Integrated Course Program of Integrated Medical Engineering (Interdisciplinary Engineering Course).
The information on subjects, curriculums, and recruitment of the students are uploaded on the website of these programs. Some program may close recruitment of students.