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ホーム / ERセンター / 2024 Japanese Language Registration for Spring

2024 Japanese Language Registration for Spring

締め切りました。The registration is closed. 参加希望者は直接教室に行って下さい。Those who wish to participate should go directly to the classroom. 教室は桂キャンパスB事務管理棟2階ゼミ室です。Japanese classes are held in the Seminar Room, Administration building, Katsura-campus B.

The following Japanese courses are now open at the Graduate School of Engineering.

These courses are non-credit courses and there will be no need to sign up for the KULASIS.

Your instructors would like to know who is attending the courses and your contact information.

Please kindly provide the information. Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.

◆If you unsure which class to take, please take this test and use it as reference for your class selection.

 日本語初級・初中級(Check Test /Elementary Japanese ,Upper Elementary Japanese)

→ ビジネス日本語(Check Test/Business Japanese)

◆Japanese classes are held in the Seminar Room, Administration building, Katsura-campus B.

Based on the information given, you will be informed how to get access to the course materials via Panda System.

Should you have any questions, please contact 090aglobal"@"mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp.

By Engineering Education Research Center (ER Center), Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University