International Exchanges

photo_screen.jpgKyoto University has concluded numerous academic exchange agreements and student exchange agreements with educational and research institutes around the world, both at the University-wide level and the department/faculty level. These initiatives allow Kyoto University to implement joint research, student exchange, and the exchange of scientific information with partner institutions.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering have concluded academic exchange agreements with major universities and institutions around the world to promote global research exchange. Courtesy visits are regularly made to the partner institutions to deepen exchanges and cooperation.

    Student Exchange Agreements

    The Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering has student exchange agreements in place with our partner institutions, as listed below. Under these agreements, arrangements are made for student exchange: for example, exchange students will be exempt from paying tuition fees at their host university by paying tuition fees to their home university, and some of the credits earned at their host university will be recognized as having been earned at their home university.


    University (Department)

    China Graduate School of Southeast University

    China (Hong Kong)

    Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen,

    School of Science and Engineering

    China (Hong Kong)

    City University of Hong Kong,

    College of Science and Engineering

    Taiwan National Cheng Kung University, College of Engineering

    Asian Institute of technology,

    School of Engineering and Technology

    School of Environment, Resources and Development

    Thailand Mahidol University, Faculty of Engineering

    Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Engineering/ Graduate School of Engineering

    Canada University of Toronto (Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering)
    France University of Rennes 1
    France L’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette
    France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
    Germany Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry

    Technical University of Dortmund, 

    Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering

    Germany University of Freiburg (Faculty of Applied Sciences)
    Sweden Linköping University
    New Zealand Victoria University of Wellington
    Republic of Kenya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

    Overseas Bases

    The Graduate School of Engineering has already set up a number of overseas bases, as listed below. We plan to continue to actively promote the establishment of overseas bases.

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