Launch of Advanced International Research Project: "ASPIRE for Top Scientists"/Research Theme: "Next Generation Mixed-Anion Science: Reaction/Structure Control and New Functions"

A research proposal led by Professor Hiroshi Kageyama has been approved for funding under the ASPIRE for Top Scientists program (provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)), launching December 1, 2024. This project builds upon and expands achievements of the previous JSPS Core-to-Core Program "International Core-to-Core Project on Mixed Anion Research for Energy Conversion" (2020-2024), advancing scientific research and nurturing young scientists. With the Graduate School of Engineering as its hub, this project enhances collaboration across Kyoto University, including the Graduate Schools of Human and Environmental Studies, Science, and Energy Science, and extends to leading research institutes across Japan. This enhanced collaboration network serves as a platform for international intellectual mutual-exchange and nurturing the next generation of researchers.

Project Overview

ASPIRE is a cutting-edge research support program that promotes global intellectual exchange to enhance Japan's scientific and technological capabilities. The program establishes powerful research networks between leading scientists in Japan and advanced countries and regions, driving both scientific breakthroughs and the nurture of the next generation of research leaders.

The approved project, "Next Generation Mixed-Anion Science: Reaction/Structure Control and New Functions", aims to explore new frontiers in materials science. With Kyoto University as the Japanese hub, we are building an international research network with main research institutes across the United Kingdom, United States, France, Belgium, and Germany. Through dynamic collaborations with international scientists, we will advance the development of next-generation mixed-anion compounds and explore their unprecedented potential, while nurturing international researchers who will lead the future of materials science.

Research Project:
Next Generation Mixed-Anion Science: Reaction/Structure Control and New Functions

5 years from FY2024 to FY2029 (December 2024 to March 2030)

Japan-based Principal Investigator:
Hiroshi Kageyama, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering/Professor

Counterpart Principal Investigator:
(France) Laurent Cario, Nantes University/Jean Rouxel Materials Institute of Nantes
(IMN)/Research Director
(UK) Andrew Goodwin, University of Oxford/Department of Chemistry/Professor
(UK) Michael Hayward, University of Oxford/Department of Chemistry/Professor
(USA) Wenhao Sun, University of Michigan/College of Engineering/Dow Corning Assistant Professor

Related Links

The projects for the ASPIRE 2024 Call for Proposals have been selected

2024 Call Projects

Hiroshi Kageyama  Activity Database on Education and Research, Kyoto University

Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Kyoto University

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