Deputy Vice Chancellor and his Members from University of Malaya
Professor Dato' Dr. Mohd Jamil Bin Maah and his staff members (3 persons in total) from University of Malaya (Hereafter referred as to UM) in Malaysia made a courtesy call to Kyoto University on 12th May, 2009. They were welcomed by the Executive Vice President Dr. Shuzo Nishimura, Vice President for International Relations Prof. Junichi Mori, Director of International Affairs Department Mr. Masao Tsukamoto, dean of Graduate School of Engineering Prof. Koichiro Oshima, Prof. Yuzuru Matsuoka, Prof. Yoshihisa Shimizu, Senior Lecturer Dr. Daisuke Matsushita and Senior Lecturer Dr. Masashi Osa. They had discussion on faculty and student exchange between both universities and other matters related.
Group Photo
Subsequently, UM members visited the Graduate School of Engineering. Dean Dr. Koichiro Oshima, Prof. Tetsuo Sawaragi, Prof. Matsuoka, Prof. Shimizu, Senior Lecturer Dr. Matsushita and Senior Lecturer Dr. Osa. They held active discussions concerning present situation of faculty and student exchange between UM and Kyoto University, especially referring to JSPS-VCC Core University Program, G-COE “Global Center for Education and Research on Human Security Engineering for Asian Megacities”, and the Advanced Education Program for Career Development of Foreign Students from Asia.
Dean Prof. Koichiro Oshima accepting the gift from Deputy Vice Chancellor of UM
Dato' Dr. Mohd Jamil Bin Maah