Shared Equipment List

"Katsura Yui" is a base that connects research facilities located in each area to a network and promotes shared use. Equipment is listed by area and academic department (rough academic field), so please search the page using keywords such as purpose and facility name to find the equipment you are looking for.      

Katsura District A Cluster


Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information (Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


CTX-ray CT deviceFLEX-M345(X線CT装置 FLEX-M345PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

#3D structure analysis #Porous material #Microstructure

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) JEM-2100F(走査型透過電子顕微鏡 JEM-2100FPDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Composition analysis #Mapping #Inorganic particles #Metal particles

Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonator ECX400KUM(フーリエ変換核磁気共鳴装置 JNM-ECX400KUMPDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Multinuclear measurement #2D NMR

Laser cutting / drilling equipment LDSD-3000M(レーザー切断・穴あけ加工装置 LDSD-3000MPDF File

(LTS Co., Ltd.(South Korea))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Drilling #Marking #Surface treatment

Soft Material Tertiary Structural Analysis System JEM-1400 and others(ソフトマテリアル三次元構造解析システム JEM-1400他PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Electron microscope #TEM #EDS #STEM

Chemistry Mass Spectrometer Room

Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


Ultra-high resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry system Exactive Plus(超高分解能フーリエ変換型質量分析システム Exactive PlusPDF File

(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#QualityAnalysis #PrecisionQuality #HRMS #LC-MS

Chemistry Incubation Core Lab

Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


Bench-top FT-IR Infrared Spectrophotometer(ベンチトップFT-IR赤外分光光度計 Nicolet iS50PDF File

(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Materials analysis #Raman spectroscopy #organic materials

Ultra-high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM)(超高分解能電界放出形走査電子顕微鏡(FE-SEM) Regulus8220PDF File

(Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Nanomaterials #Composition analysis #Surface observation

Pulsed laser processing system(パルスレーザー加工システムPDF File ※Suspended

・Femtosecond Laser FREGAT(フェムト秒レーザー)
(Avesta Project Ltd.(Russia))

・Picosecond laser ATLANTIC(ピコ秒レーザー)
(EKSPLA Ltd.(Lithuania))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Ultrashort pulse laser #Microfabrication


Spatial light modulator (LCOS-SLM X10468 series)(空間光変調器(LCOS-SLM) X10468 seriesPDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Phase modulation #Wavefront correction

Focused ion beam / scanning electron microscope processing observation device(集束イオンビーム・走査型電子顕微鏡加工観察装置 JIB-4600F他PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File) 

#Nanostructure observation #Microfabrication #Elemental analysis

Supercritical dryer SCRD4(超臨界乾燥装置 SCRD4PDF File

(Rexxam Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Supercritical state #Cleaning

Scanning probe microscope(走査型プローブ顕微鏡 MultiMode8J-KM1603他)PDF File

(Bruker Nano Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Surface shape measurement #Surface property measurement

Micro CT for small animals(小動物用マイクロCT SKYSCAN 1272PDF File

(Bruker Corp.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#X-ray microscope #3D imaging #biological specimens #microstructure #life sciences

Real-time PCR system(リアルタイムPCRシステム QuantStudio 7 Pro)PDF File

(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Real-time PCR #Gene expression #Protein expression analysis #Genomic applications

Tabletop Atmospheric Pressure Electron Microscope(卓上大気圧電子顕微鏡 AeroSurf 1500)PDF File 

(Hitachi High-Tech Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Scanning electron microscope, #SEM #Atmospheric pressure observation #Wet sample observation

Multi-Sample Nanoparticle Sizing System(多検体ナノ粒子径測定システム nanoSAQLA)PDF File 

(Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Particle size measurement #Dynamic light scattering method #Nanoparticles

Automated X-ray diffractometer SmartLab(全自動多目的X線回折装置 SmartLab)PDF File

(Rigaku Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Powder X-ray diffraction #Thin film X-ray #Powder unknown structure analysis #Rietveld method

Mass spectrometry system SCIEX X500R QTOF(質量分析システム X500R QTOF)PDF File 

(AB Sciex Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File


Ultra-fine periodic structure analysis system NANO-Viewer(極微細周期構造解析システム NANO-Viewer)PDF File

(Rigaku Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Small-angle X-ray scattering #SAXS #X-ray diffraction #lamella

400MHzFourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance apparatusJNM-ECZ400S(400MHzフーリエ変換核磁気共鳴装置 JNM-ECZ400S)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Nuclear magnetic resonance #Structural analysis #Variable temperature measurement #Reaction rate analysis #Diffusion coefficient analysis

Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy system(時間分解吸収分光解析システム)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Transient absorption #Transient emission #Excited state #Spectral analysis

Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM)(透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM))PDF File

(Hitachi High Technologies Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Electron microscope #TEM #electron diffraction


Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


Wedge wire bonder (7600D specification)(超音波熱圧着ディープアクセスウエッジワイヤーボンダー)PDF File ※Suspended

(WestBond, Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File


General-purpose 3D structural data high-precision collection and modeling system(汎用3D構造データ高精度収集・造形システムPDF File

・3D scanning system(3Dスキャニングシステム Geomagic Capture)
(3D Systems Corp.(USA))

・Gypsum modeling printer(石膏造形プリンタ Projet 260C)
(3D Systems Corp.(USA))※Suspended

・Resin modeling printer(樹脂造形プリンタ Projet 3500 HD Max)
(3D Systems Corp.(USA))※Suspended

・Hitachi MR Imaging Equipment(日立MRイメージング装置 AIRIS Vento
(Hitachi, Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#3D printer #3D scanner #open MRI #low field MRI

X-ray diffractometer SLX2000(X線回折装置 SLX2000PDF File

(Rigaku Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Crystal structure evaluation #Plane spacing evaluation #Orientation evaluation

AC-Hall measuring device Resitest 8300(AC-Hall測定装置 Resitest 8300PDF File

(Toyo Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Polarity determination #Carrier density #Mobility #Resistivity

Scanning electron microscope JSM-6500F(走査型電子顕微鏡 JSM-6500FPDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Surface structure observation #micro/nano materials #semiconductors #inorganic materials

Semiconductor crystal growth equipment HR-3216(半導体結晶成長装置 HR-3216)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma CVD Equipment PD-220(プラズマ CVD 装置 PD-220)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Electron beam exposure equipment JBX-6300 etc.(電子ビーム露光装置 JBX-6300 等)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Electron beam exposure device JBX-9400#1 etc.(電子ビーム露光装置 JBX-9400#1 等)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Electron beam exposure equipment JBX-9400#2 etc.(電子ビーム露光装置 JBX-9400#2 等)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma etching equipment RIE-41iPK(プラズマエッチング装置 RIE-41iPK)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma etching equipment ICP110iPKU(プラズマエッチング装置 ICP110iPKU)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma etching equipment RIE-200ku(プラズマエッチング装置 RIE-200ku)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma etching equipment RIE-200kuS(プラズマエッチング装置 RIE-200kuS)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plasma etching equipment RIE-400iPNK(プラズマエッチング装置 RIE-400iPNK)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Reactive ion etching equipment RIE-10NR-KU(反応性イオンエッチング装置 RIE-10NR-KU)PDF File

(Samco Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Scanning electron microscope S-4800EDX(走査型電子顕微鏡 S-4800EDX)PDF File

(Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Scanning electron microscope Regulus8220(走査型電子顕微鏡 Regulus8220)PDF File

(Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

light exposure equipment DL-1000KIR(光露光装置 DL-1000KIR)PDF File

(NanoSystem Solutions, Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

light exposure equipment DDB-701-DL4-FBT etc.(光露光装置 DDB-701-DL4-FBT 等)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Electron beam evaporation equipment ED-1500(電子ビーム蒸着装置 ED-1500)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Electron beam evaporation equipment Multiple simultaneous electron beam evaporation equipment(電子ビーム蒸着装置 多元同時電子ビーム蒸着装置)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Plating equipment Thick film electrode forming equipment for large-area photonic crystal lasers(メッキ装置 大面積フォトニック結晶レーザー用厚膜電極形成装置)PDF File

(Hitachi Power Solutions Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Grinding/polishing equipment FAM-12BS#1(研削・研磨装置 FAM-12BS#1)PDF File

(SpeedFam Company Limited)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Grinding/polishing equipment FAM-12BS#2(研削・研磨装置 FAM-12BS#2)PDF File

(SpeedFam Company Limited)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Dicing equipment with pure water recycling unit(ダイシング装置 純水リサイクルユニット付きダイシング装置)PDF File

(Disco Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Scribing device DPS-301R-KU(スクライブ装置 DPS-301R-KU)PDF File

(Daitron Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Flip chip bonding equipment MODEL4200-KU(フリップチップボンディング装置MODEL4200-KU)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Flip chip bonding equipment KMP400(フリップチップボンディング装置KMP400)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Wire bonding equipment model 7476D(ワイヤボンディング装置 モデル 7476D)PDF File

(WestBond, Inc.(USA)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Wire bonding equipment model 4KE(ワイヤボンディング装置 モデル 4KE)PDF File

(WestBond, Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

Sealing device Inverter type welding machine(封止装置 インバータ式溶接機)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

Katsura District C Cluster

Earth Science

Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


6-axis control type driving simulator(6軸制御型ドライビングシミュレータ UC-win/Road)PDF File

(FORUM8 Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Driving behavior #Laboratory experiments #Virtual reality #Road safety

Q Exactive Focus LC-MS / Orbitrap Hybrid Mass Spectrometry System(ハイブリッド質量分析システム Q Exactive Orbitrap LC-MS/MS)PDF File

(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#massanalysis #precisionmass #LC-MS/MS

ICP Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)(ICP質量分析計(ICP-MS) NexION1000)PDF File

(PerkinElmer Inc.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Elemental analysis #Quantitative analysis #He-KED

X-ray diffraction analyzer (XRD)(X線回折装置(XRD) RINT-Ultima+/PCQ2)PDF File

(Rigaku Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#PowderX-ray foldback #crystallization

Microlaser Raman spectroscope(顕微レーザーラマン分光装置 LabRAM HR Evolution)PDF File

(HORIBA, Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Raman scattering light #non-destructive testing #mapping measurement #imaging

Scanning electron microscope JSM6390LV(走査電子顕微鏡 JSM-6390LV)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Surface shape observation #Microstructure #Low vacuum

Geomaterial visualization device + FPD, work table(ジオマテリアル可視化装置+FPD,ワークテーブル)PDF File


Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Microfocus #3D internal structure #Nondestructive measurement



Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


High resolution RBS device(高分解能RBS装置)PDF File

(Kobe Steel, Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Ion scattering analysis #Ultra-thin film #Elemental composition #Non-destructive depth analysis

Scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) SU-8020(走査型電子顕微鏡(FE-SEM) SU-8020)PDF File 

(Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Surface shape observation #microstructure #film thickness measurement

Atomic Force Microscope NanoWizard3(原子間力顕微鏡 NanoWizard3)PDF File

(JPK Instruments AG(Germany))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Surface shape observation #microstructure #surface property measurement

Yoshida area

Physics(Materials Science and Engineering)

Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


Marcus type high frequency glow discharge emission surface analyzer JY 5000RF(マーカス型高周波グロー放電発光表面分析装置 JY-5000RF)PDF File

(HORIBA, Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#GD-OES #depth profile #qualitative analysis #surface analysis

X-ray photoelectron spectrometer JPS-9010TRX(全反射X線光電子分光装置 JPS-9010TRX)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#XPS, #ESCA, #Solid surface analysis #Chemical state analysis

Scanning electron microscope S-3500H(走査型電子顕微鏡 S-3500H)PDF File

(Hitachi High-Tech Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File


Schottky field emission scanning electron microscope JSM-6500F(ショットキー電界放出形走査電子顕微鏡 JSM-6500F)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#FE-SEM #EDX #out lens

X-ray diffractometer X'Pert PRO Alpha-1(X線回折装置 X'Pert PRO Alpha-1)PDF File

(Spectris Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#XRD #Cu target X-ray tube #incidence monochromator #concentration optical system

Multifunctional scanning X-ray photoelectron spectrometer PHI VersaProbe4(多機能走査型X線光電子分光分析装置 PHI VersaProbe4)PDF File

(ULVAC-PHI Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#XPS #UPS #LEIPS #REELS #Solid surface analysis

Transmission electron microscope JEM-2010(透過電子顕微鏡 JEM-2010)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#TEM #electron diffraction #lattice defect observation

Field emission transmission electron microscope JEM-2100F(電界放出形透過電子顕微鏡 JEM-2100F)PDF File

(JEOL Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#TEM #STEM #EDS #electron diffraction #composition analysis

ICP emission spectrometer SPS3520UV(ICP発行分光分析装置 SPS3520UV)PDF File

(SII Nanotechnology Co., Ltd.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#ICP-OES #quantitative analysis #ppm order #Ar plasma

Uji area

Quantum Science and Engineering Center

Equipment name (manufacturer name) *Click to display detailed equipment information(Japanese version)

Fee Regulations (Japanese version)


Heavy ion nuclear physics experiment equipment
Van de Graaff type ion accelerator (for heavy ions) Model VI-40PDF File

ファン・デ・グラーフ型イオン加速装置(重イオン用) 型式VI-40

(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Elemental analysis #RBS, #PIXE #Atmospheric pressure PIXE

Heavy ion nuclear physics experimental equipment
Van de Graaff type electron accelerator (for electrons) Model VE-20PDF File

ファン・デ・グラーフ型電子加速装置(電子用) 型式VE-20

(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#Electron beam #X-ray #High dose radiation exposure

Ion beam analysis experimental equipment Tandem ion accelerator
Cockcroft-Walton type ion accelerator Model 4117A
PDF File

イオンビーム分析実験装置 タンデム型イオン加速器
コッククロフト・ワルトン型イオン加速装置 型式4117A

(Seiko Instruments Inc.)

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#elemental analysis #RBS #ERDA #TOF-ERDA #ion injection

Quantum Beam Biomolecular Dynamics Analysis Experimental System
Van de Graaff Accelerator (Microbeam) Model 6SHD-2PDF File

ファン・デ・グラーフ型加速装置(マイクロビーム) 型式6SHD-2

(National Electrostatics Corp.(USA))

Fee RegulationsPDF File

#elemental analysis #RBS #PIXE #ERDA #PIGE