Issuing of Certificates (Students)
Various certificates
- Certificate of School Attendance
- Certificated of (Expected) Completion
- Certificate of Academic Record
- Certificate of Withdrawal
- Student Travel Discount
- Other
Declaration Form about School Attendance / Engagement in Research
The students who are not employed by Kyoto University can use the following form for the application for childcare facilities. Please fill out it, bring to your supervisor and have his/her sign it.
- Declaration Form about School Attendance / Engagement in Research
Application procedures
- Complete a "Request for Certificate Issuance"
form and present it at the Student Affairs Division of the Graduate School of Engineering.
- A Certificate of School Attendance, Certificate of (Expected) Completion, Certificate of Academic Record, Certificate of Withdrawal, and Student Travel Discount can be issued directly by students using one of the automatic certificate issuing machines located in places including the 3rd floor hall in A2 Bldg., A Cluster, Katsura Campus, the entrance hall of the Administrative Bldg., C Cluster, Katsura Campus, and the 1st floor of Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 8 at the Kyoto University main campus. (Automatic certificate issuing machines)
- As a rule, these certificates are issued within a period of two days (except for certificates in English).
- Applications for the issue of certificates by graduates can be made by postal mail.
Graduate Student Section, Educational Affairs Division, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
TEL : +81-75-383-2040
E-Mail : 090kdaigakuin*
TEL : +81-75-383-2040
E-Mail : 090kdaigakuin*
Replace "*" with "@" when sending e-mail to this address.