Entrance Examinations

Table of Contents

Applicants who have graduated or expect to graduate from non-Japanese universities

Those who have graduated or expect to graduate from non-Japanese universities , and wish to enrol in Kyoto University as a research, master's or doctoral student, are required to contact the Admissions Assistance Office (AAO) for a preliminary screening before eligibility confirmation and submitting their application documents to the graduate school of Engineering. For futher details


>Archived Notices

Application Guidelines and Forms

Examinations in Summer (August 2024)

[Note] Regarding the application procedures(Examinations in Summer)

> Archived Application Guidelines (Examinations in Summer)

Examinations in Winter (February 2025)

[Note] Regarding the application procedures(Examinations in Winter)

 *except China Scholarship Council “国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目”

  • Guidelines for International Applicants to the 2025 Master’s Program【April 2025 Admission】(Including October 2025 Admission)[will be posted in middle November 2024]
  • Guidelines for Applicants to the 2025 Doctoral Program [April 2025 Admission, Second Recruitment](Including October 2025 Admission)[will be posted in middle November 2025]
  • China Scholarship Council “国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目” Guidelines for Applicants to the Doctoral Course Program (October 2025 / April 2026 Admission)[will be posted in middle November 2024]

> Archived Application Guidelines (Examinations in Winter)

Admission from 3rd-year Undergraduate to Graduate School

The Graduate School of Engineering accepts applications for its master's program from students currently in the third or later years of an undergraduate university course in a Japanese university, who display outstanding academic ability by scoring a minimum number of credits, as prescribed by the applicable graduate school.

The purpose of this facility is to give academically outstanding students who wish to enter a graduate school master's program the opportunity to receive graduate-level educational and research guidance and to cultivate research skills in their field of specialization as early as possible.

In addition, students who perform exceptionally well in research are allowed to earn a master's degree in as little as 1 year, or a doctoral degree in as little as 1 year. (However, a doctoral degree cannot be earned in a total of less than 3 years of study including master's degree.)

Contacts for Each Department

Department Contact

Civil and Earth Resources Engineering

Urban Management

Environmental Engineering

C Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.

Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540

Architecture and Architectural Engineering

C Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.

Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540

Mechanical Engineering and Science

Micro Engineering

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Nuclear Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

C Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.

Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540

Electrical Engineering

Electronic Science and Engineering

A Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.

Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510

Material Chemistry

Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry

Molecular Engineering

Polymer Chemistry

Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry

Chemical Engineering

A Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.

Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510

For the past exam questions and orientation for entrance examinations, please refer to the Japanese website.

Contact for General Inquires

Graduate Student Section, Educational Affairs Division, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.
Kyoto daigaku-katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8530
E-Mail: 090kdaigakuin@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Announcement of Results

- The result of Examinations in Summer (August 2024) is available HERE.【Posted on August 23, 2024】

- The result of Examinations in Winter (Feburuary 2024) is available HERE.【Posted on Feburuary 22, 2024】

Enrollment Procedure

Advance Notice regarding Enrollment Procedures for April 2024 AdmissionPDF File【Posted on January 29, 2024】

Documents for Enrollment Procedure for October 2023 Admission dispatched 【Posted on September 6, 2023】

The documents were dispatched on August 24 for the successful candidates of the examinations held in or before February 2023, and on September 4 for whom of the examinations held in August 2023.

Please check your postal mailbox. The deadline for the enrollment procedures is September 19.

Long-Term Study Program

The Graduate School of Engineering provides the long-term study program that allow students to extend their study period up to twice of the standard study period for completion under certain circumstances/conditions such as work, childbirth, childcare, nursing to other family in special need and disabilities.
For details, please confirm herePDF File.  

For those who wish to apply, please request for the application form to Graduate Student Section at B cluster office, and submit necessary documents by the end of December of the previous year when the long term study program starts. (In the case of admission in October, submit by the end of May of the year.)
As for the application, please consult with supervisor early and make a plan.