建築系(Division of  Architecture and Architectural Engineering)


建築学専攻 Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering H26.6.25
建築保全再生学講座 Chair of Regenerative Preservation of Built Environment H26.6.25
人間生活環境学講座 Chair of Architecture and Human Environmental Engineering H26.6.25
建築史学講座 Chair of History of Architecture H26.6.25
建築構法学講座 Chair of Construction Technology of Building Structures H26.6.25
建築環境計画学講座 Chair of Architectural Environmental Planning H26.6.25
 建築環境計画学分野 Architectural Environmental Planning Laboratory H26.6.25
 生活空間環境制御学分野 Building Environment Control Laboratory H26.6.25
建築設計学講座 Chair of Architectural Design and Theory H26.6.25
 建築設計学分野 Architectural Design and Theory Laboratory H26.6.25
 生活空間設計学分野 Architectural and Environmental Design Laboratory H26.6.25
建築構造学講座 Chair of Structural Engineering of Buildings H26.6.25
建築生産工学講座 Chair of Architectural Construction Engineering H26.6.25
 建築社会システム工学分野 Architecture System and Management Laboratory H26.6.25
 空間構造開発工学分野 Space Development and Structural Systems Laboratory H26.6.25
環境材料学講座 Chair of Built Environment Materials and Structural Systems H26.6.25
居住空間学講座 Chair of Housing and Environmental Design H26.6.25
都市空間工学講座 Chair of Sustainable Built Environment Engineering H26.6.25
環境構成学講座 Chair of Architectural Environment Systems H26.6.25
 音環境学分野 Environmental Acoustics Laboratory H26.6.25
 地盤環境工学分野 Building Geoenvironment Engineering Laboratory H26.6.25
建築防災工学講座(協力講座) Cooperating Chairs of Disaster Mitigation Engineering H26.6.25
 建築耐震工学分野(協) Earthquake Resistant Engineering Laboratory H26.6.25
 建築安全制御学分野(協) Structural Safety Control Laboratory H26.6.25
 風環風境工学分野(協) Environmental Wind Engineering Laboratory H26.6.25
空間安全工学講座(協力講座) Cooperating Chairs of Space Safety Engineering H26.6.25
 地震環境工学分野(協) Earthquake and Tsunami Resistant Design for Structures Laboratory H26.6.25
 都市防災計画学分野(協) Urban Disaster Reduction Planning Laboratory H26.6.25


建築学科 Undergraduate School of Architecture H26.6.25
人間環境設計論講座 Chair of Global Environment Architecture Laboratory H26.6.25