Electronic Science and Engineering
The Department of Electronic Science and Engineering contributes to society by establishing key technologies that will support optoelectronics for the next generation. The Department proposes new concepts based on the keywords of light and electron while promoting education and research that helps create innovative materials and devices based on these concepts. In our quest to find the best way to control light, we are doing world-leading research in many areas. For example, we made short-pulse,high-peak-power photonic crystal lasers that break the rules for conventional semiconductor lasers. We are also uncovering the properties of new wide-bandgap semiconductor materials to design and fabricate power electronics devices that use these materials. And we are elucidating the light emitting mechanism in semiconductors at the nano level as well as their application in highly efficient light emitting devices.
Department Website
Research Laboratories
Integrated Function Engineering
Applied Nano-electronics
Applied Quantum Electronics
Semiconductor Science and Engineering
Electronic Material Science and Engineering
Optoelectronic Material Science and Engineering
Quantum Optoelectronics
Quantum Optical Engineering
Nano-Process Engineering
Advanced Electronic Materials