How to Write Reports and Papers
This page introduces library services that are useful for report and paper writing.
Learn how to write reports and papers
Kyoto University libraries hold many books on report and paper writing. If you are at a loss for writing a report or paper, start by learning how to write and structure an academic paper.
Kyoto University libraries regularly hold workshops on report and paper writing. Please join us!
How to find books for report and paper writing
On KULINE (KU Libraries Online Catalog), you can search for useful books and materials for report and paper writing.
- Ref.: Katsura Library | Engineering Libraries "How to Do a Literature Search on a Particular Topic"
- Tips: Try switching KULINE to "Advanced Search" and entering "academic writing" in the "Subject" field. You will find many books on report and paper writing.
Content to help you write reports and papers
Brochure by Engineering Libraries
- 「工学部生リテラシーとは?」> ②レポート・論文編 [in Japanese]
・PDF: 797KB (Total 6 pages)
Target: Undergraduate students
This brochure is full of advice from graduate students on report and paper writing. A book guide of useful books for report and paper writing is also included.
Library workshops
Kyoto University libraries offer a variety of workshops throughout the year. For the latest information on workshops and past workshop materials, please check "Workshops".
Learn how to write reference information
At the end of the report/paper, you must include information on the references on which you based your argument. The role of references is summarized by Japan Science and Technology Agency as follows. 1)
- Clarify the novelty, originality, and credibility of your report/paper
- To show respect for the preceding authors
- To indicate the source of your report/paper
- Provide information to readers
1) Translated from Japan Science and Technology Agency "参考文献の役割と書き方, 科学技術情報流通技術基準(SIST)の活用", (accessed 2024-08-06)
Citation styles
There are a variety of citation styles for writing references. If there are instructions from your professor, conventions in your academic field, or journal submission rules, please follow the instructions or specifications. If there are no specific rules, please refer to the following styles.
Main citation style of Japanese papers
- Standards for Information of Science and Technology (SIST)
SIST is a set of various standards for writing style, structure, and format of academic information in natural science papers.- 参考文献の役割と書き方:科学技術情報流通技術基準(SIST)の活用 [Japan Science and Technology Agency/PDF] [in Japanese]
A guidebook with examples of how to write references.
- 参考文献の役割と書き方:科学技術情報流通技術基準(SIST)の活用 [Japan Science and Technology Agency/PDF] [in Japanese]
Main citation styles of international papers
- ACS Style
Citation style by American Chemical Society/Chemistry- ACS Style Quick Guide [ACS]
- Coghill, Anne M.; Garson, Lorrin R. The ACS style guide: effective communication of scientific information. 3rd ed. American Chemical Society Oxford University Press, 2006, xiv, 430pp.
- Coghill, Anne M.; Garson, Lorrin R. ACSスタイルガイド : アメリカ化学会論文作成の手引き. Nakayama, Yukiko. trans. Kodansha, 2019, xvii, 455pp.
※Japanese translation of the 3rd ed. of the original book (The ACS style guide: effective communication of scientific information)
- IEEE Style
Citation style by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/Electrical, Telecommunication, Electronics and Information Engineering- IEEE Editorial Style Manual [IEEE]
- Authoring Tools and Templates [IEEE]
Words, LaTex, and other paper templates are available.
- AIP Style
Citation style by American Institute of Physics- Featured Resources for Researchers > AIP Style Manual [AIP Publishing]
- APS Style
Citation style by American Physical Society- Physical Review Style and Notation Guide [APS/PDF]
- APA Style
Citation style by American Psychological Association- APA Style [APA]
- APA Style Tutorials and Webinars [APA]
- American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style. 7th ed. American Psychological Association, 2020, xxii, 427 pp.
- American Psychological Association. APA論文作成マニュアル. Maeda, Jukai. ; Eto, Hiroyuki. trans. 3rd ed. Igaku Shoin, 2023, xxv, 446pp. [in Japanese]
- MLA Style
Citation style by Modern Language Association of America/Humanities and Sociological Sciences- Citations by Format [MLA Style Center]
- Modern Language Association of America. MLA handbook. 9th ed. Modern Language Association of America, 2021, xxx, 367 pp.
- Modern Language Association of America. MLAハンドブック. Forster, Noriko. ; Martin, Thomas. trans. Shuwa System, 2017, xxi, 199pp.
※Japanese translation of the 8th ed. of the original book (MLA handbook)
- Chicago Style
Humanities and Sociological Sciences
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online [University of Chicago]
- The Chicago manual of style. 17th ed. University of Chicago Press, 2017, xvi, 1144pp.
- Turabian, Kate L. ed. ; Booth, Wayne C. et al. シカゴ・スタイル研究論文執筆マニュアル. Numaguchi, Takashi.; Numaguchi, Yoshio. trans. Keio University Press, 2012, xi, 588pp. [in Japanese]
Reference management tools
Reference management tools include many citation styles, each of which can be used to create a reference list.
- EndNote Online
A reference management tool provided by Clarivate Analytics. Available to Kyoto University members.- The Kyoto University Library Network > 文献管理ツール(EndNote Online)を使う [in Japanese]
- Sanuki, Michiyoshi. デジタル文献整理術 : 最新EndNote活用ガイド. 7th ed, Kokuseido Publishing, 2018, x, 249pp. [in Japanese]
- If EndNote does not have the citation style you wish to use, contact the Main Library using the form below.
The Kyoto University Library Network > Question of EJ/DB (E-Resources)
- Mendeley
Free multifunctional reference management tool.
※This is not a tool provided by the KU library, so contact the provider directly with any questions.- Bando, Keita. 文献管理ツールMendeleyガイドブック. ATMS, 2018, xi, 173pp. [in Japanese]
Content to help you create your reference list
Workshops by Kyoto University Library Network (2023)
- Tutorial videos ”シリーズ 参考文献リストを作る" [in Japanese]
※Login with your ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required- 参考文献リストをつくる(1) 参考文献(引用文献)リストの書き方と便利なツール
- 参考文献リストをつくる(2) 引用の形式(スタイル)