Floor Guide (The North/South Libraries)
The North Library
* Directions to the Library: Access
Reading Room, Open-Shelf
Counter/Copy machine (public expense only), Search terminal, Current journals/Reference books
Open-shelf books (Civil, Environmental and Resource Engineering, Architecture, Electric and Electronic Engineering)
The South Library
* Directions to the Library: Access
Entrance/Counter, Copy machine (public expense only), Search terminal, Audiovisual terminal, Current journals
- Audiovisual materials must be checked out by staff. If you wish to use them, please apply at the counter or make a reservation in advance.
Reference books, Open-shelf books (Engineering Science), Journal back issues
Open-shelf books (Engineering Science, Chemical Science Technology)
Stack Room (Journal back issues, Books(Civil, Environmental and Resource Engineering, Architecture, Electric and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Science, Chemical Science Technology))
- Materials in the Stack Room must be checked out by staff. If you wish to use them, please apply at the counter or make a reservation in advance.