• Unless otherwise noted, these FAQs are intended for Kyoto University users.
  • For questions not listed below, please refer to "Contact" and contact us. 

1. User Guide

Q.1-1 Can I borrow books indicated “Lab” in the Location column of KULINE?

A. These are books held by laboratories. If you wish to use these books, please first inquire at the counter or e-mail address of the library that holds the book. After making an inquiry to the laboratory, we will let you know whether the book is available or not.

If other KU libraries hold the same book, please use the book from those libraries.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.1-2 Can I make photocopies in the library?

A. You can photocopy materials held at each library to the extent Copyright Law permits. (Photocopying of non-library materials is not permitted.)

Please note that there are no private expense copy machines (coin-operated copy machines) in the North/South Libraries.
If you wish to make photocopies of materials in the North/South Libraries, please check them out or temporarily borrow them and use the copy machines at Kyoto University CO-OP store or other locations.

For details, please refer to the following page.
Library Guide > Copying Services

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.1-3 Are there any procedures required to enter the library?

A. Touch your library card (IC student ID, authentication IC card, etc.) to the IC card reader located at the counter of Katsura Library and the North/South Libraries.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.1-4 Can I use the libraries of other faculties or graduate schools?

A. Students, faculty, and staff of Kyoto University can use all libraries on campus, regardless of the department they belong to. However, please note that there are approximately 40 libraries in Kyoto University, and the opening schedule and usage procedures differ for each library. When you visit the libraries, please be sure to bring your library card (IC student ID, authentication IC card, etc.).

For information on KU libraries, please refer to the following page.
The Kyoto University Library Network > List of KU Libraries

In December 2024, we released “Shin Map” (library map), which can be used conveniently on smartphones and tablets. We hope you will make use of it.


(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.1-5 Are dissertations from the School of Engineering available in the library?

A. Katsura Library and the South Library hold some of the doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and graduation theses submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering. Not all dissertations/theses are available, so please inquire in advance whether we hold the dissertation/thesis you wish to use. Prior application through the prescribed procedure is required for browsing and photocopying. 

For details, please refer to the following page.
Library Guide > Use of Dissertations

Full texts of some doctoral dissertations are available on Kyoto University Research Information Repository KURENAI.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

2. Borrow/Return

Q.2-1 How many books can I borrow?

A. The number of books you can borrow and the loan period differ depending on the library. Please refer to each library's website or the “List of KU Libraries” page of the Kyoto University Library Network. 

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.2-2 Can I return books borrowed from libraries on Yoshida Campus other than the North/South Libraries (Main Library, Yoshida-South Library, etc.) to the North/South Libraries?

A. No, unfortunately you cannot. In principle, please return books directly to the library where you borrowed them. 

However, books from other campus libraries can be returned to a nearby library.

  • You cannot return books from the Main Library to the South Library
  • You can return books from the North Library to Katsura Library

※It is exceptionally possible to return books from the North Library to the South Library (and vice versa).

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

3. Request Materials

Q.3-1 I have a book that I would like the library to purchase, can I request it?

A. Katsura Library and the North/South Libraries accept book requests from students. 

For details, please refer to the following page.
Library Guide > Book Request Form for Students (Only from campus network)

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.3-2 Can I request books from other campuses?

A. You can request books from other campuses or remote areas and borrow them from a nearby library. You can make a request through KULINE. 

For details, please refer to the following page. 
Library Guide > Reserve/Request/Place Holds > 2. Request Books from Other Campus

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.3-3 The material I am looking for is not available in the Kyoto University libraries. Can I request photocopies or books from other universities?

A.  You can request photocopies and books from other universities via KULINE. In principle, this service is charged. 

For details, please refer to the following page.
Library Guide > Request Photocopies (Interlibrary/Intercampus)
Library Guide > Interlibrary Loan

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

4. Electronic Resources

Q.4-1 I would like to use electronic resources (e-journals, e-books, databases), but I don't know how to use them. How can I use them?

A. You need to agree to the agreement and use the authentication system to access e-resources. 

Please refer to the following page for details on how to set up.
The Kyoto University Library Network > How to use e-resources

(Updated: 2025.1.7)


Q.5-1 I would like to know about search techniques on KULINE, such as how to enter search terms and logical operations.

A. Please click on the “Help” (? icon) in the upper right corner of KULINE top page to check the user guide.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

6. Study/Research Support

Q.6-1 I would like to know about the rules and things to keep in mind when writing reports and papers.

A. First, check the rules indicated by your course instructor or the submission rules of the journal to which you are submitting your paper, and follow their instructions. If you want to learn the basics, please refer to the "Guidance & Tips" page, which introduces useful books and contents for report/paper writing and how to write references.

Study/Research Support > Guidance & Tips > How to Write Reports and Papers

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

7. Facilities/Equipment

Q.7-1 Is there a place for group work and discussion?

A. The following places are available at Katsura Library and the North/South Libraries.

For other study spaces on campus, please refer to the following page.
The Kyoto University Library Network > 学習スペース (in Japanese)

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.7-2 Can I eat and drink in the library?

A. You are not allowed to eat in Katsura Library and the North/South Libraries (including the North/South Learning Commons). Gum and candy are also not permitted.
However, drinks in spill-resistant containers (e.g., water bottles, aluminum cans with screw lids or plastic bottles) can be consumed in designated areas.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.7-3 Can I use the Group Study Room in Katsura Library with non-KU users if I make a reservation?

A. Group Study Rooms are available only to Kyoto University students, faculty and staff. Non-KU users cannot use Group Study Rooms even if they are with KU users.

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

8. Visitors

Q.8-1 I am a non-KU user. Can I enter the library?

A. Yes, you can enter the library. You can browse materials in the library. (Materials cannot be checked out.)
If you wish to visit the North/South Libraries, please apply in advance.

For details, please refer to the following page.
Visitors > Service Guide for Non-KU Users

(Updated: 2025.1.7)

Q.8-2 I am a non-KU user. Can I borrow books from the library?

A. No, we do not lend books to non-KU users. You can browse materials in the library. 

We offer a special benefit of using Katsura Library for those who donate to the Katsura Library Fund. For details, please refer to the following page.

Katsura Library > Katsura Library Fund

(Updated: 2025.1.7)