[Katura Library] Group learning in the Research Commons.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Research Commons was used as the space exclusively for self-study,
but it can now be used for collaborative research and learning in groups of up to four people. 

The open lab in the next room can only be used by one person for personal use.
Please use it.

  • Research commons
    Available for groups of up to four. Speech is also possible. 
    There are desks for three and four. Reservation is not required.
    It can be used by individuals, but we give priority to group use.
  • Open lab
    We arrange desks in a school style. For personal use only. Reservation is not required.

・ Always wear a mask.
・ Disinfect hands with alcohol disinfectant at the entrance before use.
・ Disinfect on the desk with a disinfectant wipe at the entrance before and after use.
・ Please do not change the arrangement of the seat or acrylic boards.

E-Mail: 090stosho at mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


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