[EXHIBITION] "Katsura Garden : Catalogue for Advanced Research of Graduate School of Engineering by Kyoto University Katsura Library" vol.1 (14 Oct 2020 - 14 Jan 2021)

What is "Katsura Garden"

"Katsura Garden : Catalogue for Advanced Research of Graduate School of Engineering by Kyoto University Katsura Library" is new project of Katsura Library.
It enables researchers to connect with society and supports new developments in research by sharing "Kyoto University Research Seeds".
We expand this project with various media such as exhibition, video, and event.

EXHIBITION vol.1 "What does your neighbor do?"

  • Period : Wed 14 Oct 2020 - Thu 14 Jan 2021
  • Place : Lounge and Reading room on the 1st floor of Katsura Library

To learn a part of works of 8 researchers of Graduate School of Engineering, this exhibition shows videos which can be seen only here and research tools which are actually used.
Find out "Research Seeds" around the library.

The List of Seeds

Details : https://seeds.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/exhibition/kuk-57/(Japanese only)

Website "Katsura Garden"

Use the banner below to access the website of "Katsura Garden". (Japanese only)


Check the "Research seeds" of 8 researchers which are on the exhibition.
Their interview videos will be added in the future. Don't miss it!


If you have any questions about this project, feel free to contact us at the following address.

  • E-mail:090seeds [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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