[Online Workshop] Learning Support Weeks for International Students (Oct. 26 - Nov. 13)

Learning Support Desk of Main Library provides special learning support for international students during the following period.
The lectures are hold for about 30 minutes in English, Chinese, Korean and Indonesian.

* The lectures will be recorded and open to the members of Kyoto University.
* About Learning Support Desk: https://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/support/12334?lang=en


  • Date: Oct.26(Mon) - Nov.13(Fri), 2020
  • Place: The lectures are held online (through Zoom).
  • Reservation form: https://forms.gle/YKzvv4KJtZr9dVoR8
    -Please register by 17:00 one day before the desired date.


in English

How to Enjoy E-resources (All in English)
I"ll explain the basics of how to find and use e-books, e-journals, and databases that Kyoto University offers.
: Nov.4 (Wed) 16:30-17:00, 18:00-18:30
: Speaker: Science M1

How to Find Literature (All in English)
This lecture will show you how to collect literature (including books, magazines, and articles). It will be a useful introduction to KULINE.
: Nov.10 (Tue) 16:30-17:00, 18:00-18:30
: Speaker: Letters M2

LaTeX Tutorial in English (All in English)
This lecture covers basic skills of writing reports in LaTeX with math formulas, figures, and tables. No previous knowledge required.
: Nov.11 (Wed) 13:30-14:15, 15:00-15:45
: Speaker: Informatics D2

in Chinese

: 时间:2020年10月27日(周二)13:30-14:00 / 15:00-15:30
: 讲师:教育学研究科D2

: 时间:2020年11月2日(周一)16:30-17:00 / 18:00-18:30
: 讲师:教育学研究科M2

in Korean

실험레포트 작성방법 (전부 한국어로 진행됩니다)
실험 레포트를 어떻게 써야하는지 이야기합니다.
: 2020년10월31일(금)13:30-14:00 / 15:00-15:30
: 담당:의학연구과 M1

in Indonesian

Kosa kata akademik dalam bahasa Jepang
Seminar ini untuk mahasiswa asing dari Indonesia yang ingin memahami dan memakai kosa kata akademik dalam bahasa Jepang untuk menulis atau persentasi.
: 13 Nov.(Jumat) 16:30-17:00 / 18:00-18:30
: Narasumber: Mahasiswa S3 dari ASAFAS


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Email: ref660 [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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