[Katsura Library] New collection "Diversity & Inclusion Books" has been released!

Katsura Library has made the new collection "Diversity & Inclusion Books." (abbr. D&I Books)

"Diversity" means being composed of different races, genders, career backgrounds, skills, etc.
And "inclusion" is the practice of providing everyone with equal access to opportunities and resources. 

"Diversity & Inclusion Books" is the collection about gender gap, gender equality, human rights, mental health, and so on.
Let's deepen your knowledge of these social issues!


  • Location: 1F reading room
  • Book list: Please search KULINE by the tag "桂図書館 Diversity and Inclusion Books."
  • Items (as of March 1, 2022):
    • Japanese: 53
    • English: 1
    • Japanese (e-book): 10
    • English (e-book): 6

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