[Lecture] How to use ScienceDirect / Scopus / Mendeley (Sep. 13-14)
Elsevier will hold a webinar on how to use ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Mendeley. If you are using these services or are planning to use them in the future, let's join us.
*Pre-registration is required to attend.
*Those who pre-registered but were unable to attend will receive a link to the recorded version at a later date.
*This lecture is presented in Japanese.
- List of seminars
- Introduction to ScienceDirect - Basic operation and topic functions
- Introduction to Scopus - Basic operation -
- Introduction to Mendeley - Collection, organization, utilization and sharing of document information -
- Target : Young researchers and students
- Speaker : Mayumi Takimoto from Elsevier Japan
Introduction to ScienceDirect - Basic operation and topic functions
- Date & Time : 15:00-16:00 Sep. 13 (Tue), 2022
- Main Topics :
- What is ScienceDirect?
- Differences from other databases
- Basic search methods
- Check the documents you can browse
- Search from title list
- Use personal functions
- Check definitions of technical terms (Topic pages)
- Application form
Access URL will be informed after your application.
Introduction to Scopus - Basic operation -
- Date & Time : 16:30-17:30 Sep. 13 (Tue), 2022
- Main Topics :
- What is Scopus? (Differences from other databases, GoogleScholar/PubMed)
- Introduction to document search (Basic search flow/Search for high-impact articles/SDGs Mapping Information)
- Introduction to author search
- Introduction to journal search (Introduction to CiteScore)
- Introduction of personal functions
- Application form
Access URL will be informed after your application.
Introduction to Mendeley - Collection, organization, utilization and sharing of document information -
- Date & Time : 15:00-16:00 Sep. 14 (Wed), 2022
- Main Topics :
- Overview of Mendeley products
- Collect document information (Mendeley Web Importer)
- Organize document information (Mendeley Web, Mendeley Reference Manager)
Utilize of document information (Mendeley Cite)
- Share document information (Group Creation、Mendeley Data)
- Application form
Access URL will be informed after your application.
Please watch the following video in advance to learn how to install and operate Mendeley, and complete the setup. (The setup session is about 30 minutes, the first half of the video.)
Mendeley Webinar -The setup session (video)
Katsura Library
TEL: 075-383-2344 (15-2344)
Email: 090stosho [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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