[Important] Interlibrary Loan will be stopped (Jan 13 - 31)
We can’t order a photocopy or borrow a book from another library because the interlibrary loan system will stop working. Please request as soon as possible.
- To receive interlibrary loan or copy item by the end of January, please submit your request until Jan. 13, 2023.
- Depending on your request, it may not arrive by the end of January even if you submit by the date in above guideline. In some cases, the library will contact you individually.
- The order system from other universities (NACSIS-ILL) will be stopped nationwide during Jan. 23 - 31, 2023. Requests may also be delayed a week before and after the suspension period. So, requests from Jan. 13 - 31 may arrive 2 or 3 weeks later than usual.
- Intercampus loans are possible.
Katsura Library
TEL: 075-383-2344 (15-2344)
Email: 090stosho [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Kyoto University Library Network News:[Important] Interlibrary Loan/Copy Request deadline: Jan. 13, 2023 (To receive item in January)