【Katsura Library】Yoshida Gallery Project - Prototype Exhibition(1/16~1/20)
The Yoshida Gallery Project Prototype Exhibition will be held at the Katsura Library.
Dates: Monday January 16 - Friday 20 2023, 9:00 - 17:00
Venue: Katsura Library (Kyoto University Katsura Campus B Cluster)
Inquiry: Yosuke Komiyama (ER Center / Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering) komiyama[at]archi.kyoto-u.ac.jp
This year, the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering has been working on updating the 4th floor gallery in Yoshida Research Building No. 9, which is used for final reviews of design exercises.
We would like to invite you to see prototypes of the exhibition stands that the students devised.
The Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering will continue to make use of its expertise to improve the facilities on campus.