[Katsura Library/Yoshida 2 Libraries] Suspension of ILL service due to library system renewal/Application deadline [Interlibrary: July 21/Intercampus: July 31]
Due to the renewal of the library system in August 2023, interlibrary loan service will be temporarily suspended on the following dates.
Service suspension period: Mon, August 7,2023-Sun, August 20, 2023
(During this period, KULINE will be down and you will not be able to renew, reserve, or request purchase of books.)
Application deadline
During the service suspension period, you will not be able to request books and photocopies from other universities/institutions or other KU campus.
If you wish to pick up books or photocopies before Fri, August 4 (before ILL service is suspended), please apply to Katsura Library, the North Library or the South Library by the application deadline below.
Please apply by Fri, July 21.
Intercampus Loan (from other KU campus)
Please apply by Mon, July 31.
If you apply between the next day of the application deadline [interlibrary loan: Sat. July 22/intercampus loan: Tue. August 1] and Sun. August 20, books and photocopies will be delivered after Mon. August 21 at the earliest, as the library system will be stopped due to the renewal.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
If you would like to order any documents from on-campus or other universities, please apply as soon as possible.
Katsura Library
Email: 090stosho [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL: 075-383-2581 (ex:15-2581)
North Library
Email:090snorthlib [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL: 075-753-5360 (ex:16-5360)
South Library
Email:090ssouthlib [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL: 075-753-5187 (ex:16-5187)