[Katsura Library] Group Study Rooms and Theater Room can be reserved through KULINE (August 21~)
With the renewal of KULINE, Group Study Rooms and Theater Room can be reserved through KULINE from Monday, August 21, 2023!
KULINE > "Room Reservation" menu :
How to use
Please refer to the following for detailed instructions on how to use KULINE room reservation menu.
Main Changes
- You will be able to check room availability and make reservations (login required) in the "Room Reservation" menu of Kyoto University Online Catalog "KULINE".
- Google Forms (Room Reservation Application Form) and Google Spreadsheet room reservation calendar will be unavailable on August 21. (Reservations after August 21 which we already received via Google Forms will be reflected in KULINE.)
- KULINE room reservations can be made for a maximum of 120 minutes at a time, and up to two reservations can be made at the same time (reservations can be made 30 days in advance).
Katsura Library
Email: 090stosho [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp