[Library Network][Attention!] Regarding Bulk Access to Electronic Resources Due to Automatic Download Features of Reference Management Tools and Browser Preloading Functions
Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books, and databases are subject to access restrictions. Accessing a large number of resources in a short period of time may be considered a violation of the terms of use, and could result in Kyoto University's access to these resources being blocked by the provider.
Recently, there have been frequent cases of unintentional large-scale downloads and access caused by the automatic download functions of reference management software and the "link preloading function" of web browsers.
These "automatic download" and "link preloading" functions repeatedly access electronic journals in the background, even when you are not aware of it. This can lead to a large number of downloads and accesses being made without your knowledge.
Please review the following KU Library Network news and check the settings and usage methods of your reference management software and web browser.
KU Library Network
Related Information
[Library Network] Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for E-Resources