[Important] KULINE (KU Libraries Online Catalog) has been renewed on August 21, 2023

On August 21, 2023, KULINE (KU Libraries Online Catalog) has been renewed in conjunction with the complete library system update. 

KULINE https://kuline.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/opac/opac_search/

01 Reservations and requesting books from other KU campus is now even more convenient!

  • You can request books from other KU campus using the "Reserve" button, and renew them (extend the due dates) through MyKULINE! There will also be changes in how to apply for "Reservation/Request" related services. Please check it out!

02 The facility reservation function is available!

  • With the renewal of KULINE, Group Study Rooms and Theater Room in Katsura Library can be reserved through KULINE. You can check room availability and make reservations (login required) in the "Room Reservation" menu of KULINE.

03 KULINE is now responsive web design compatible!

  • Responsive design (device-compatible layout) has been adopted to make the site lighter and easier to use.


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